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Tournaments: 2002/2003: Ranking: LG Cup | British | UK | Welsh | European | Irish | Scottish | World

European Open 2003

Palace Hotel, Torquay, England
Mar 11-16
WPBSA ranking tournament (#5 of 8)


Players are English unless stated


Ronnie O'Sullivan 9-6 Stephen Hendry (Scotland)

140-0 (140) 11-100 7-101 (101) 76-0 (76) 65-5 (52)
131-3 (126) 76-8 (76) 33-88 (88) 142-0 (142) 25-97 (53)
1-123 (117) 77-0 (77) 37-72 (72) 79-50 (50 SH) 79-0 (79)


Stephen Hendry (Scotland)   6-3 Mark J Williams (Wales)
Ronnie O'Sullivan           6-3 Peter Ebdon


Stephen Hendry (Scotland)   5-2 John Higgins (Scotland)
Mark J Williams (Wales)     5-2 Paul Hunter
Ronnie O'Sullivan           5-2 Stephen Lee
Peter Ebdon                 5-4 Mark King

Round 2

Stephen Hendry (Scotland)   5-4 Graeme Dott (Scotland)
John Higgins (Scotland)     5-4 Gerard Greene (N.Ireland)
Paul Hunter                 5-3 Ken Doherty (Ireland)
Mark J Williams (Wales)     5-1 Bjorn Haneveer (Belgium)
Ronnie O'Sullivan           5-3 Dave Finbow
Stephen Lee                 5-3 Quinten Hann (Australia)
Mark King                   5-3 Matthew Stevens (Wales)
Peter Ebdon                 5-2 Joe Swail (N.Ireland)

Round 1

Stephen Hendry (Scotland)   5-3 Dave Harold
Graeme Dott (Scotland)      5-3 Tony Drago (Malta)
Gerard Greene (N.Ireland)   5-3 Jimmy White
John Higgins (Scotland)     5-1 Barry Pinches
Ken Doherty (Ireland)       5-1 David Gray
Paul Hunter                 5-2 Robin Hull (Finland)
Bjorn Haneveer (Belgium)    5-1 Alan McManus (Scotland)
Mark J Williams (Wales)     5-1 Steve Davis
Ronnie O'Sullivan           5-3 Michael Holt
Dave Finbow                 5-4 Joe Perry
Quinten Hann (Australia)    5-4 Jamie Burnett (Scotland)
Stephen Lee                 5-4 Robert Milkins
Matthew Stevens (Wales)     5-1 Ian McCulloch
Mark King                   5-3 David Roe
Joe Swail (N.Ireland)       5-4 Mark Davis
Peter Ebdon                 5-2 Marco Fu (Hong Kong)

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